Mod Positivity
With every year that passes, I appreciate and understand positivity more and more. I used to think “negative energy” was some type faux concept that people liked to reference to simply categorize someone. However, as my confidence has grown, I know that “negative energy” is very real. It’s not just about someone’s mood. It has a lot to do with words. The things that are said to a person or even about a person. Some believe they can take back what they’ve said, but, I don’t believe that. I believe when a person says something, it’s exactly how they feel even if, only briefly. You see, as adults, we are all responsible for not only our actions, but, also, our words.
I know when I have said negative things, it was because I honestly felt that way or because I felt negatively about myself. I believe it all starts from within, there’s always a reason for why we say the things we say. Sometimes, it’s the energies in which we surround ourselves — people, music, films, our environment, etc. There are so many forms of negative energy. I try to make a conscious effort to surround myself with positive energy. This is partly why I often spend a lot of days alone. Some might say, being alone is unhealthy, on the contrary, for me, it’s not. It allows me to reflect on the things I need to and devise a plan to make necessary improvements in my life, for there is always room for improvement. I have also learned to always be ready for the unknown because nothing in life is ever certain. I have to just keep pushing past the unexpected. Life is truly what you make it.
I pay close attention to how I speak to myself. How I speak to myself, will become how I perceive myself and ultimately what position in life I end up in. Positivity is so immensely important. I used to think it was silly to speak affirmations to myself or consider myself awesome. However, I am. I am a person that has a lot to offer to the many people that have come into my life. I have been a gift to some people, and I don’t mean that arrogantly, I mean that now because I finally believe what some have told me for a while now. I appreciate that I have been able to be that to some. My challenge now is to be that gift to myself.